Debt collection France, Account Receivables, no cure, no pay

Values and CSR

Delivering Excellence to our customers

Since its inception, France Contentieux has built its success with women and men involved and focused on one single goal: Delivering Excellence to our Clients

This DNA shared by all comes around common values: :


Recruitment policy and training

France Contentieux pays a special attention to fairness and equity between employees as well as in terms of access to employment for candidates.

Our recruitment policy is resolutely oriented towards profiles of all ages, cultural, ethnic or geographical horizons.
Thanks to a tailor made training program, France Contentieux accompanies its employees in order to ensure an optimal satisfaction of customers in a socially responsible environment.

Corporate Social Responsibility

As a responsible Company, France Contentieux is also involved in the fight against any form of discrimination or exclusion through different actions:

France Contentieux is a signatory of the French Diversity Charter ..

This Charter is intended to bear witness to our commitment to the cultural, ethnic and social diversity within our Organization.

French Diversity

In accordance to this Charter, France Contentieux undertakes to:

1. Raise awareness of non discrimination and diversity issues among top management and staff involved in recruitment, training and career development and to educate them in these matters.
2. Respect and promote the application of all aspects of the principle of non- discrimination at every stage of the human resources management, in particular in the recruitment, training, promotion and career development of employees.
3. Endeavour to reflect, the diversity of the French society particularly in its cultural and ethnic dimension at every level of our workforce.
4. Make all our employees aware of our commitment to non-discrimination and diversity, and keep them informed of the practical results of this commitment.
5. Make the development and implementation of the diversity policy a subject of a dialogue with the employees’ representatives..
6. Insert a chapter in the annual report describing our commitment to non- discrimination and diversity including details of the measures implemented, our internal procedures and the results achieved.


portfolio of files
Million € portfolio in assets
customers in France and worldwide
Creation date of the group